s c a n d a l o u s . • Soft Sensibilities
{ image source: g o o g l e i m a g e s } Okay. So maybe not entirely scandalous. Juste un peu scandaleux, s’il vous plaît. I shan’t lie; I’m quite tired of this. Italicized in reference to the ever-so-bland life of your average American high school student. If only the lives of Blair Waldorf and Serena Vanderwoodsen transpired into my own. Constance by day, the Palace’s bar (lounging casually whilst sipping martinis and nibbling on grilled cheese with truffle oil and fresh tomatoes) by noon, and clubbing by night in petite Hervé Léger numbers. All done with the Chanel or Valentino of the moment hung in the crook of their arm. Lives chock full of drama, sex, more drama, more sex, and fabulousness all in between. But of course I’m not complaining; I’m simply acknowledging the vast differences between my life, and that of the upper east side-er’s. There so is a difference… Ah, dearest B., why don’t you let me have a pick from your vast collection of designer doodads, and share Chuck Bass with me? You get him on the week days, I get him over weekends. Fair enough? Whilst all you lovely cocottes…