It’s been a while since the last.
. . .
Phone vibrates.
Brrrr, it goes, from somewhere beneath rumpled covers and sheets. Vibrations are
d i s p e r s e d
across the entirety of my bed. It’s actually under my pillow.
“Love is life!” is scrawled across my iPhone.
I can’t help but smile.
To smile every morning to positivity, I breathe y e s .
Answer me! The reminding vibrations seem to say. I reach groggily next to me for my green tea. Twenty ounces (I know because it’s brilliantly labeled on my Starbucks mug) of caffeine boost.
I’m an adrenaline junkie.
Then a fresh waft of l e m o n p i n e clears my nose, my eyes, my head.
A resounding awake.
It smells of childhood. Memories.
I know it’s Saturday morning.
The best wakeup call, no alaram necessary.
My dad’s mopped the floors, meaning it’s time to t i p – t o e across wet floors and make my breakfast.
oatmeal + blueberries + pumpkin & flaxseed granola
A pinch of cinnamon to taste.
Warm. Happy. A hearty breakfast with a crunch.
what to wear today?
. . .
This is the first time I’ve read a sensory Saturday post. I. Am/ In. Love. Also for oatmeal as a treat: I love a spoonful of peanut butter and just a few chocolate chips. It melts right in and tastes like desert.
Stop. Really? Thank you! I love writing these kind of things, I don’t get to too often.
And that sounds divine. Trying that as soon as I head home from work (breakfast is good any time of the day, no?).
I recently found your blog via Pinterest. Two words: In. Love. I adore this post and your writing. Reading this I felt inspired. Refreshed. Relaxed. Happy. Thank you.
No, thank you. I’m touched.
Hope you’ve had a beautiful start to 2013! x