Sink-Free Skincare Routine • Soft Sensibilities
As a proud (albeit sometimes frustrated) owner of a Tiny Bathroom, my approach to maximizing efficiency within the space lies in simple, sink-free skincare. Working over a vanity the width of your hips drastically limits mobility and inevitably ensures that water will get everywhere. I suggest donning a terry cloth bathrobe and if you really want to go the extra mile, come prepared in an Inamorata bathing suit. Wash your face at your own risk, I dare you. Or, skip the fuss. Let go of the notion that cleanliness is synonymous only with washing your face twice daily. (Granted, you should certainly cleanse morning and night, but cleansing comes in many forms—not just as a traditional face wash. Ultimately: listen to your aesthetician or derm because they know your skin best.) I wash my face exclusively at night within the shower-curtain-lined confines where splashing is allowed and encouraged. Here’s my theory: You’re bound to achieve a more thorough (and effective) cleanse when you’re not worried about getting both yourself and your surroundings wet. And if you’re not taking the time to work a cleanser into your skin or worse, not rinsing it off properly, what’s the point in a sloppy, slapdash…