sexy little ski bunny. • Soft Sensibilities
Iselin Steiro | Vogue Paris, November 2006 | {image source: s t a r b u c k s & j a n e a u s t e n } School has been closed for two consecutive days on account of the inclement weather – all for good reason. The sky is a rather eerie shade of dove grey, and the snow outside has piled to an ominous amount that is still growing. At this rate of snowfall I think I may need to invest in a pair of thigh-high boots to shield my legs from all that white stuff – it is a perfectly viable excuse to own a pair, non? It is completely and utterly practical for me to own one, particularly the one of the Gucci runway variety from a season back. Okay. So perhaps I don’t exactly go trudging through the snow, shovel in hand (this is when having a brother is actually convenient). I much prefer resuming my niche on the couch – browse through my favorite blogs and save numerous photos into my massive inspiration folder whilst watching CSI marathons. Add in a bit of baking experimentation and occasional naps, and snow days…