Inexplicably happy because there was actually some gorgeous sun out today! (Incidentally, it’s also a good hair day, but I’d rather not attribute my emotional wellbeing to something so trivial, you know, for my ego’s sake.) It was the first bit of sunshine and warmth—relatively speaking—in months; New Jersey’s been suffering week after week of insane snowstorms, which has put my academic, social, and work life on hold. Needless to say a lot has suffered from it: cabin fever has had me drinking one too mnay hot cocoas and two too many baked goodies. I’ve also dressed the part of the girl with the winter blues, too: Uniqlo heat tech leggings paired some ubiquitous cashmere sweater. Not very inspiring, but definitely comfortable and high up on the warmth scale.
My weather app is telling me that we might be getting some sun and 50-degree weather, but I’ve learned not to trust the meterologist. Expectations are the bane of the human existence, so I’ve come to learn in my 21 years, so I’ll just wait for tomorrow to see. Butttt on the slight chance that the weather people are actually right, I would love nothing more than to be in that BCBG Max Azria ensemble. I love me some (okay, a lot of) black, but I’ve had enough of this dreary, wintry nonsense: spring whites and pastels have never seemed more welcoming. A literal (and rather cliche) breath of fresh air: a warm ivory rather than a stark white, accented with pretty stripes of powder blues, pinks, taupe, and chocolate. Put it all on a cape-poncho-blanket and worn bare-legged (undergarments optional, but let’s not go down that road…), and it’s all kind of ski-bunny-sexy at the lodge.
What makes it appropriate for February, however, is that gorgeous slate stole and black leather boots and clutch. Wintry textures and harsh contrasts to ground all the soft—ah, the beauty of juxtaposition! If I had it my way I’d wear that exact look head to toe, bare-faced, hair pulled up into a high, teased pony, with a pair of thin silver hoops. Outfit first, occasion second.
After all, my mother told me to always be pepared; you never know what might come your way. (Here’s to hoping it’s not another snowstorm…)
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I can’t wait for spring as well! Great post! 🙂