One V e n t i white chocolate mocha coffee, please.
A venti cup was greatly needed; I was even tempted to order one with an extra shot of expresso, but I figured that such large cup of coffee would be able to do it’s job. After all, I’ve only ever had tall orders, whose rather small size was perfectly adequate in providing a good dosage of energy for all-nighters.
Today’s purpose at Starbucks (a.k.a. an o b s e s s i o n of mine) was not one of the usual leisurely stops where I could prop myself upon one of their couches, sip a frappucino, and read a newly purchased book from Barnes & Nobles. No indeed, I was quite frustrated at the lack of internet for nearly an entire week because of the rain. It felt a bit like the Twilight Zone, sans communication with the reset of the world; blog-less, email-less, inspiration-less, etc. That, plus no way to research for a few papers & ideas for pitches in addition to the close proximity of exams and AP tests does become stressful. Just a bit.
Clad in a cream, long-sleeved shirt with green applique letters spelling out N E W Y O R K (a men’s shirt, actually), tossed over cuffed denim shorts and black opaque tights, attempting not to shuffle in ankle boots, I claimed a little corner as my own. Balenciaga taking it’s own place on my chair, laptop open and ready with WiFi, coffee and The Tipping Point (by Malcom Gladwell) beside it. I had just begun to open a rather flooded inbox when I was interrupted.
“How do you like your book so far?”
Had it not been for the liquidity of his voice, along with quite the attractive Scottish (I didn’t know what it was at the time yet) accent, I would have been a bit cross. But no, I was taken by surprise, and looked up to see a tall, leanly built guy. Black plastic, rectangular frames sat just a tad crookedly on his nose, hair slightly disheveled, wearing what a guy usually wears. Yah know, the fitted tee, jeans, sneakers. He smiled rather charmingly. It was the smile of childish humor with a bit of something else—a something else that did make me melt a bit.
And the funny thing was, we hit it off right away. Cliche, yes, but there is simply no other way to describe it. I loved how he sat himself down across from me and began to ask questions. Like if I’ve ever been to Berlin, and what cities in Europe I’ve visited. How he decided to go back and forth and ask each other random questions. I loved how honest he was too, uninhibited in revealing things about himself: slightly dyslexic but only in spelling, admitting that he was a geek, etc. But a geek-jock, if such combination is even plausible—an avid football fan and coach of a team. If you ask me, the perfect combination of an adorable, computer & Lego-loving geek with impressive athletic abilities.
One hour later. He’s on vacation from Scotland, I’m but a mere Jersey girl. Oh but it was fun while it lasted ;]
… and so, it ends at a coffee shop.
La C.
Oh sounds perfect. Got to love the magic of white chocolate mochas! x
This sounds wonderful! What a fun impromptu “date.” Of course, I’m sure this kicks your Starbucks obsession up another notch! 🙂
Hannah: It does =] I’m working on the post for tall girls; it’ll be up early this week =]
La C.
it’s sounds like a funny date
ah did you swap numbers to keep in touch??
Well… vacations don’t last forever! =)
thanks darling 🙂
I miss starbucks! too bad I don’t have one in my city 🙁
What a beautiful little story!
So interesting. I love your blog! Keep on the good work.
I wish I went at Starbucks because there isn’t any Starbucks in France
great story! since i don’t drink caffeine of any sort, my time at starbucks is terribly limited, but i may have to start spending some time there nevertheless, hah
What a cute short story! 🙂
ahhh what a beautiful story.. 🙂 a perfect starbucks encounter 🙂
I so love this. I am now coveting a quaint little coffeeshop encounter with a cutie of my own! 🙂
I guess this just testifies of your loveliness, don’t you think? 😉 Guys with glasses are so sexy, I do wish Boyfriend would wear his more often. Combine that with a Scottish accent…
And just to let you know, I featured your blog in my list-of-the-month-page.
My mum can do that too with people she don’t know. Just go, talk and ask those questions who doesn’t make sense at all (if you don’t know him/her). Very ennoying because most of the time I’m standing ashamed next to her. haha!
Awe! sometimes things work out in weird ways and we run into people we had no real chance of ever seeing again. You never know.
Trisch xo
Your writing is so amazing. If you haven’t already, you should write a book, so that I can read it 🙂
Sasha: Thank you soooo much!! =] I am seriously blushing and smiling from ear to ear – that is the greatest compliment one could ever say =] I would love to write a book =] perhaps one day =]
La C.
oh la c, how envious of your lifestyle do i need to be until I can be just like you?
walking on the streets of new york, i’ll be lucky if i get to see some fine tourist men strolling by.
love you, darling. stay sweet.
La C.: Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to reading it. 🙂
Am I crazy or do good things always happen to you at starbucks?! First the even on Valentine’s day (if I remember correctly) now this?!
Ah fate. You will meet your future husband there.
And as always, I adore your writing =]
Aww la would have been a sweet/cute summer fling indeed..I’ve missed your posts! I hope your internet comes back soon!
Oh this story gave me goose-bumps. What a fun time, you should at least try to keep in touch via e-mail or phone. He sounded quite perfect!
what a fantastically charming story!
but oh, so sorry it had to end…
i like my men just a tad geeky too :). those kind are the best. cause they don’t know they’re cute.
This is so fun and cute !
Scottish accent is hilarious ! x). I keep my italian one xD.
Btw starbucks… you poor child. I’m such a purist for coffee, ristretto ristretto ristretto !
oh my gosh, my girl friend was just telling me about some of the cute guys she met while on vacation. i love to meet random cute strangers on vacations, just to chat and share a drink. it’s great for the ego and fun.
What a fabulously amazing experience! That kind of thing only happens in the movies…. -e
Starbucks !!! I don’t have a Starbucks in my town (we don’t have 30 Starbucks in a town in France). And I could make anything in order to have an american Starbucks Pepper mint latte!
Aw…how sweet! Loved reading your story! Scottish people are so charming, they should bottle that stuff and sell it 😉
Umm..why is it that I have to read this blog in order to find out this information??
I’m sensing a serious gym conversation tomorrow.
Scottish?? 🙂
Maisha: Dearest Maisha. If ever graced our existence by making an appearance online, you would have known this! Yes, tomorrow I shall tell!
Ohh man, that sounds so magical! I’m a bit jealous.. Haha.
I’m a sucker for men with foreign accents. 🙂
xo, Kate
OH GOD!!! romance! drama! intrigue! the only thing missing was hot monkey love and continued courtship, but i guess we will all have to get over that. 🙂
please write a book.
of course such fairytale like thing would happen to you! at seventeen! imagine what and WHO you’ll get in your 20s!!
i’d gladly take the guys you don’t want ;]
This is such a sweet, romantic story!! I enjoyed it so much! You know, I always wish something like this happen to me whenever I go to a coffee shop. He sounds so perfect!! xxoxoxo
What an adorable encounter. 🙂
aw what a cute little story! Oh and I loveee starbucks too (don’t we all?)
Hey La C. Cool to hear about your interaction with the Scot. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Take care. Cheers!
omg, that’s the cutest story i’ve read all week. *sigh
Woah woah woah, how come stuff like this never happens to me at Starbucks?! Ok, I’ve got to hang around coffee shops looking cute more often!
This is the cutest story ever!! Gives me all those warm, fuzzy feelings of nostalgia and all~ Even though the time was short, it’s always nice to look back on it later on haha >;D
Can’t wait to hear more~
E> An
p.s. Yes I’m back xD Although I have been gone, I have still been lurking and skimming through posts but now that I have time I will go on a commenting rampage! *maniacal laughter*
That’s the stuff dreams are made of, kiddo. xo
how fun! and how impromptu! i love it!
Hi there-what a lovely chance meeting, thats a great memory that will stay with you a long time!!
Wow!!! what a beautiful story!!!!!!
Your writing is so amazing dear!
Ooh how lovely! total sweetness! it’s not clear if anything will develop from this but … sometimes a sweet memory is the best.
Love it.
xxx didi
Awww that sounds so sweet! Are you going to meet up with him again?? x Sushi
Such a cute chance meeting or date? ! oh I hope you two cross paths again. =) Happy Monday!
What a charming story! I can totally relate. I met a Scottish guy by chance too. And now I’m married to him 🙂
Oooo, I love small encounters like that. I once had something like this when I was volunteering.
That is one helluva Starbucks experience.!
To say I was jealous would be such a total understatement right now. There’s a guy I see every time I catch the earlier train to class, he’s at least five years older than me, works in the City, and he’s gorgeous, I dream stuff like that would happen between us haha, well I’ll just have to keep dreaming,
What a charming encounter!!!
I’m a Jersey girl who hangs in Starbucks as well. I found a very nice(HOT) bf there years ago. If he didn’t want the dreaded married thing, it would have worked out great. Maybe you can visit Scotland?
Loved the story, why didn’t you guys exchange email addresses?
lovely story! that looks yummm….
Ohhhh .. long time now I got my last venti Frappuccino, caffe vanila!!! I miss it, the drink (we dont have starbucks in Norway!!) But remember it well .. a perfect day with a venti in one hand, a vogue in another, sitt somewhere in the park!! Aaaa I miss the states, shopping and everything!! 😀 I’m not crazy, I may sound like it, but honestly I am not 😀
I love starbucks, thanks for reminding me to go by there today. I had to cut back on my green tea lattes but I’m about due for a treat today.
Gotta love those perfect chance encounters! That sounds absolutely wonderful 🙂
what a story! He sounds like a perfect stranger, I’m glad you got to connect with him for an hour, even if it wasn’t as long as you would have hoped. And I didn’t know you were a jersey girl! I am too 🙂
what a wonderful story
xo k
how fun!
love this! you haven’t lived if you haven’t had a romantic but short-lived encounter at starbucks!
Oh My God!! I LOVE this story, it’s so real! You’re such a great storyteller, I wanted to read more, actually I wish it a book! 🙂 The tipping point is a great book too, I had to study it recently, I guess it proves popular in the UK..
I’m just back in the Alps tonight and was in Paris today, so thinking of your love of France! 🙂 Sending you love and the smell of croissants!
Such a sweet story. It reminds me on Landon Pigg’s song “Falling in love at the coffeeshop”. I adore that song. Thank you AT&T commercial 🙂
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