For the last two months, I walked, wandered, wondered around my neighborhood in awe of the trees lining the local streets. It's as if one day, all of them decided that this was the morning to bloom—and just like that, we had a bright, violet haze brushed across the sky. That very day—as I was ... Read More
A New “Normal”
I'm grasping to find the right words to share how these past few weeks have made me feel: I've been devastated, defeated, then furious. Heart in the pit of my stomach at how so many still don't understand; I wish I could shake the indifference or hate out of them. I wish I could scream—only I can't. ... Read More
Currently Coveting
Things I would buy if I didn't just increase my 401k contribution. God, I love these shoes so much. Adulthood has made me more sensible; I've lost all desire to walk around in heels all day, but I can't do flat shoes (sneakers, ballerinas, etc.) yet. Both my self-confidence and feet feel ... Read More