Still here, still reading one book a day. Six weeks into quarantine and I've yet to go stir-crazy. I'm not surprised: I'm your bona fide introvert, and though I'm decent at playing the part of the extrovert, it's an exhausting act to maintain. It wasn't until this shelter-in-place that I realized ... Read More
Quarantine Reading: Didion, Diaries, and The Pillow Book (Week 5)
I'm reading one book a day for as long as this COVID-19 shelter-in-place lasts. These were the ones I read last week. Has it really been over a month since most of the U.S. started quarantining? If I were any less compulsive about documenting every thought with to-do lists, journal entries, even ... Read More
Currently Coveting
Things I would buy if I didn't just increase my 401k contribution. God, I love these shoes so much. Adulthood has made me more sensible; I've lost all desire to walk around in heels all day, but I can't do flat shoes (sneakers, ballerinas, etc.) yet. Both my self-confidence and feet feel ... Read More