Found scrawled in my Science of Food notebook; at least I'm being productive in my classes! . . . I've not gone insane, I assure you (though running—or dancing if we're to be technical, here—on wit's end may bring me in that direction). I just couldn't resist, journalistic/blogger/writer's ... Read More
7:02 AM, Post-Pilates
I adore cosmetics. Ironically enough, however, I've been in an anti-makeup phase as of late (then again, as much as I adore a red lip or smoky eye, those are reserved specifically and exclusively for nights out). C'est la vie; I can be quite fickle with trivial things. But for the public's ... Read More
On Why a Hint of Vulgarity is Always Welcome in a Lady’s Wardrobe
Apparently I've (unofficially) declared a hiatus over the past two weeks. Or month, rather. the Nancy Drews of any readers I do have can probably sleuth around my Twitter and figure out what exactly it is that I've been so preoccupied with that's trumps writing in terms of priorities. But wait! I've ... Read More