I think the photos speak louder than words. Let's give my mouth fingers a chance to rest for once, shall we? BAM. Need, want, love—with the emphasis on the need—everything from the Elin Kling for Marciano collab. I could live with just these pieces and be infinitely happy. It's a ... Read More
Elin Kling in Elin Kling x Guess
I may or may not have swooned over this little preview image of the incredibly chic Elin Kling's collaboration with GUESS by Marciano. The slip, the mesh detailing, the je ne sais quoi of a little black dress that isn't quite your ordinary little black dress—beautiful. Timelessness reworked so that ... Read More
How to Wear: Guess Maeve Boots
Chère La Couturier, I completely adore your blog - it's one of the select few that I check daily - and I equally adore your updates. However, I really enjoy the posts where you reccomend outfits for certain scenarios or ideas... and I was hoping that you could help me with a little dilemma I've run ... Read More