I finally found a free weekend where I wasn't working and seized the opportunity to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art bright and early for a chance to catch a glimpse of the much publicized Alexander McQueen exhibit, Savage Beauty before its end date. While I have high regards for the designer ... Read More
Notes on the Alexander McQueen Exhibit
I'm currently attempting to organize my notes and thoughts about the Alexander McQueen exhibit into a comprehendible review. It's long, to say the least—I've had to extend my self-imposed deadline to a later time this evening. In the interim is a preview of what's to come (if you're interested in ... Read More
The City: The Step of The Met (Part 1)
I fell in love with New York City when I was but (give or take) five years old. I had long been enamored with the rows of beautiful boutiques nestled quaintly between glamorous, large-scale department stores (a wonderful balance), the outline of the skyline and silhouette of the Empire State ... Read More