I'm a few days late. Five, to be exact, because everyone knows it takes at least two days post ball-dropping festivities to recover, one to catch up with work, then another two for resuming New Year celebrations. Plus, things feel neater, newer even, when they fall on a Monday. So here I am, and ... Read More
50 Shades of Cream
In an ideal world where red wine doesn't stain and the weather is never too wet or icy for precariously high heels paired with skirts, this is what I'd be wearing the other 10 percent of the time when I'm not wearing black. .  .  . xx ... Read More
The Thigh’s the Limit
When you grow up with Rhea as your mother and Audrey as your icon (it's been an at least an 18-year relationship; we're on a first-name basis), you're practically bred to believe that shift dresses and le smoking suits are the epitome of womanhood. Yes to black, cashmere turtleneck sweaters! Yes to ... Read More