Yeah, I’m one of those girls.
I once swore that I would never get sucked into Sex and the City, but when when I turned 19, I somehow fell in love with the series. Funny, isn’t it, how life works. Never say never.
And like every other girl who was won over by the Carrie’s earnestness and the portrayal of four best friends living, loving, and learning in The City, I have my three best friends, my dreams, my woes, my boys, my own stream of consciousness narrating the story that is my life so far. Only, according to everyone who knows me well, I’m not Carrie—I sometimes wish I had that naivete—but Samantha, with Carrie’s profession. I can work with that. In fact, I’m flattered; they’re my two favorite personalities.
Only my gold nameplate necklace doesn’t read “Samantha,” or flourish into “Carrie.”
It’s just Kimberly. K-i-m-b-e-r-l-y. Eight letters, spelling something that’s almost foreign to me, because no one except the U.S. government calls me that. Kim’s fine by me. Short, sweet, to the point.
(Unlike me.)
. . .
{images via}
I love it too
Carrie is a great source of inspiration for most of us 🙂