Why hellooo, lovelies! Fancy seeing you here.
PLASTER‘s July 2010 issue has just come out, and it’s quite rad. I may be biased because I so happen to be their fashion editorial intern (check it out, that would be my name in the masthead!), but that aside, take one look at their cover and you know it’s some fantastic ish. Magenta lips and gray smoky eyes are revolutionary for summer. Mmmhm.
{ the July 2010 cover & masthead }
I had first gushed about up-and-coming New York designer Kimberly Taylor here, then on PLASTER’s blog. It’s unnecessary for me to recapitulate every reason why I love her collections and why every chic woman needs more than a few hangers full of Kimberly Taylor; I’m well aware of my inability to briefly summarize as I do manage to get carried way. Every time. Long story short: it was an honor and privilege to have been given the chance to interview KT herself!
I thoroughly enjoyed [trying] to come up with questions for the interview, but loved even more being able to read KT’s answers. Pages 45 to 46, darlings. It’s evident, through her blog (bookmark it, s’il vous plaît, and not just because I already have) and her designs that she’s an incredibly chic woman. This interview only solidified that, and to top it off, she’s so sweet.
The Interview: Taylor Made
What is your design philosophy?
Less is more.
Do you have a particular inspiration and/or muse?
I’m particularly inspired by New York City – you can never look too sleek here. Even when I travel I feel like its evident that I’m from New York.
Can you describe the woman you have in mind as you design?
She’s very busy. She’s no nonsense or frills. She’s cutting edge. And she isn’t trying too hard.
Who is your dream [celebrity] client?
Victoria Beckham.
What do you consider to be your best quality?
That I’m a dreamer.
Your worst quality?
Too trusting. I really try to see the good in people.
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My purse. It’s pretty much my lifeline – it has everything I would need in any given scenario.
Name your every-woman-must-have, classic piece.
A little black cocktail dress. It’s cliché for a reason – It can take you anywhere. I’ve been living in our Sasha dress.
What’s in your bag right now?
Keys, Blackberry, 4 lipsticks , wallet, fabric swatches for Resort 2011, vintage clip – on earrings in case I go out tonight, a magazine page I secretly ripped out at the nail salon, a pen, a random piece of fashion tape, a lollipop (emergency sugar rush), a bobby pin, and Altoids.
What are you wearing right now?
Black Amy trousers from my collection, rolled up at the bottom, a navy and white striped t-shirt, 6″ black patent leather and gold t-strap heels, a leather jacket.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Diet Coke, reality TV and all things Louboutin.
Who is your celebrity crush?
James Franco
What is your no-fail item (not just limited to fashion/beauty!) that makes you feel fabulous even at your worst?
Shoes, they always fit!
Who is your favorite designer besides yourself?
Nicolas Ghesquiere
Describe your personal signature look.
My signature look definitely consists of black and white. Black jeans, white tee and a blazer or leather jacket. I wear my hair slicked back in a ponytail a lot – most people know that about me.
Describe the most embarrassing outfit you’ve ever worn.
It’s hard to tell. I’m pretty sure it involved sequins though.
What is your favorite trend at the moment?
Menswear! Its so chic when done right.
What is the worst trend of all time?
Babydoll dresses. There was a point where you couldn’t find anything body-conscious in the Continental US.
What is your favorite/signature perfume or scent?
Trish McEvoy #9 Blackberry Vanilla Musk.
Where is your favorite place to go out in New York?
The Jane Hotel.
Can you describe your favorite outfit for a night-out?
Anything black. This is New York!
What was your first splurge?
A baby pink Chanel wallet on a chain. I worked an entire summer to pay for it and quit the day I bought it. I still have it.
Who is on your playlist right now?
Passion Pitt, Lady Gaga, Phoenix, Rihanna, Rod Stewart, and Jay-Z
…follow your heart.
…kiss and tell!
. . .
Wait. Did I mention that both KT & her PR exec. Marina are s t u n n i n g ? Oh, just did.
Kimberly Taylor | www.kimbertaylor.com
KT’s faaabulous blog | www.kimberlytaylorblog.com
KT’s Twitter (which is equally fab) | www.twitter.com/KIMBERLYTAYLOR1
Marina’s Twitter | www.twitter.com/MarinaKhoroch
La C.
How amazing to have your name featured! Congrats, and yes smoky eyes and magenta lips are revolutionary for summer.
well done 🙂
Nice Post.. Thank for you information.. keep posting my friend’s…
see my other web :http://thebestblogger.biz pls.. 06:28
Congrats again – you’re taking such fantastic steps! The magazine looks fantastic, you should be editor soon (; But it’s good to make your way up, learn the ways of the industry!
@thebaglady: Ah, darling, you are simply the sweetest and flatter me too much! :-* Kisses!
Those were really nice collection! i always like black. it’s really elegant and beautiful. and also to add up, I love Victoria Beckham!!
By the way, the girls on the right side are all beautiful!
i frequent hair salons because i always want to keep my hair in top shape ,`~