the irresistibility of wanderlust, revisited • Soft Sensibilities
It’s both a strange and beautiful thing when you’re left alone with your thoughts. Breathe in, breathe out; what am I thinking? My type of meditation session. I’m appreciative of everything I have and where I am now. But always a part of me yearns to step out of this comfort of the suburban/mini-metro bubble. I’m restless – I’ve come to terms with that – in that I tire too easily of what I know. I need challenge. I crave it. I want adventure! I want to see the world. Need to. I sometimes wish I could just sell all my worldly things and just pack a chestful of bikinis and books and sail around the world. With a lover, a best friend. Imagine – to just leave behind this life of convention and materialism, and just live. Experience. Feed the soul by removing ourselves from all the stress and destructiveness of the world. I’m a bit of a hippie at heart. A Buddhist by philosophy. A lover. A romantic. No one would gather that from me at first glance, but here I a, loving the idea of love. Freedom. Truth. Beauty. Love. Cheesily quoted from Moulin Rouge! but no other words descrive my philosophy – the…