Things I Love Thursday • Soft Sensibilities
Long time, no TiLT! Coffee. I drank an unprecedented amount of coffee this week. It has been my savior for two weeks; had it not been for my morning/evening cups of coffee (I know it’s quite bad), I doubt I would have made it through this week at all. Thank goodness for caffeine! Guys & Dolls. One of my favorite musicals and roles of all time. Incredibly, incredibly fun. And to think; two months of work everyday and night only to have it all over in a matter of three days and four shows? It’s quite bittersweet – I miss doing the numbers, but it has been a great relief knowing that I have one less thing to do. And it was so lovely getting so many flowers and chocolate after the show – thank you to those who attended! Boys who can sing like Frank Sinatra & Michael Buble. Oh there was one, younger, sadly, who played the lead in Guys & Dolls. If you do happen to read this, and are older than I, feel free to email me. We’ll meet over coffee, and I’d gladly marry you in a heartbeat. tFs. Thoroughly and completely addicted to the…