Some (late) Monday inspiration to celebrate a beautiful day and beautiful mood. I love Mondays, I do. And today is no exception—waking up to early morning sunlight, finally finishing round two of exams, neon orange nails and a golden tan—all topped with packages of goodies in the post. I end the night with salsa, and it’s the start of a new week. Naive? Perhaps. I’ll take it.
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There’s this notion about color that comes highly misguided. Color is juvenile, and lack of it—in the form of black—is all things serious and seductive. There’s no denial in the truth of such a generalization, but when color is done right, color can be empowering in every sense. It’s magnetic. It attracts. It is the power of positive dressing upon the woman and all around her.
I love my blacks, but come spring summer, all I crave is color.
Color, color, color.
I miss editorials, like this, that merge the world of high fashion and wearability in one. It’s striking. Memorable. Covetable. A classic sixties look—Lana Del Rey curls, winged liner, paired with long red nails—to complement a clean palette whites. A wardrobe of ivory, lingerie-inspired pieces are both the background and foreground to colorful handbags and jewels…
Barbara Palvin by Hunter & Gatti
Vogue Spain February 2012
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{image via}
Pictures and the girl are amazing.Good post.Daniela
Isn’t she a beauty? Thanks for stopping by Daniela (: x
great editorial!!
thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog 🙂
i know what you mean about only wanting color as soon as spring’s here… and living in spain where people love their neutrals and browns, i crave it even more!
you have a wonderful blog, i’ll be stopping by again soon!
la vie en ardena rose
Thank you darling! I love black and nudes as much as the next, but colors will always make my heart palpitate a little more! (;