So I figured that since I haven’t been as loyal and on task with blogging I owed you lovely readers and explanation for my rather random appearances here and there. And especially the non-pareils (my new favorite non-English word, if you happened to be curious) who took the time to Twitter/e-mail me with love notes of their concern for my well-being – you darlings deserve a bit more than the ubiquitous “I was quite busy”-type answer.
Shall we start with the Halloween festivities? Let’s.
First things first, however. I will address my [several] costumes, since you non-pareils have been so curious.
♥ Lady Marmalade, for a dear friend’s costume-themed birthday celebration. {What I Wore: black studded corset + black tailored shorts + fishnet + patent pumps + a single leather glove + tophat. On ze Face: smokey black & copper shadow + dark lipstick}
♥ Goth, for a Halloween parade in which the marching band & dance team participated in for the little kiddies of our town! {What I Wore: black fitted turtle neck (short sleeved) top + black tailored shorts + fishnet + patent pumps. On ze Face: black smudged liner & matte black shadow on upper & lower lash line + dark lipstick}
♥ Wrath, (from the Seven Deadly Sins before I get questionable looks), for the Homecoming Dance. {What I Wore: this amazing dress + pumps. On ze Face: Smokey black + cranberry red shadow + dark red lipstick + faux scars (liquid liner with red lipstick dabbed on top)}
♥ Dark-ballerina-gone-zombified, for my school’s Haunted House. Favorite ensemble, to say the least, for a sick performance of a mash-up of ballet to the “Overture” in Phantom of the Opera with MJ’s “Thriller”. {What I Wore: black leotard + metallic green & orange tutu + ballet pink tights + ballet slippers. On ze Face: smudged black liner + black shadow + dark lips.}
I’ve had my fair share of Halloween this year, to say the least.
‘Lo and behold! ‘Tis your lucky day, darlings, for some pictorial goodies!
{Exhibit A: Purely for your entertainment purposes. Fear me!}
{Exhibit 1A: Taken by one of my favorite people, J., whilst on break between shows at the Haunted House. That would be yours truly, in the typical ballet attire, as a pre-zombified/Thriller-fied ballerina. Peanut Gallery: I. Love. That. Lipstick. Favorite red, without a doubt.}
{Exhibit B: I just had to Picnik it. Snapped by another one of my favorite people ever, S., after a night of dancing at the Halloween/costume-themed Homecoming dance. Why, you ask, would I ever post a photo of myself post-party and yucky from dancing the night away? It was just for you lovelies who asked what the American Apparel dress looked like on me; ’tis a large, for your reference – it runs small!}
I’ve spoilt you with one two many photos, haven’t I. I promise – I shall return to regular posting of inspiration, fashion insight/analysis etc. instead of boring you with personal snaps!
{image sources: google images (edited by me); personal photos – please do NOT distribute without permission!}
bisous, xx
It’s great to have an update on your blog! I’ve missed reading it sweetie. And you spoil us with pictures of yourself, wow! Looking great. The black AA dress is to die for.
Bore us? I loooooove to get insight into your life! Still mysterious but I like seeing blogger’s personal photos!
You are gorgeous, and have a perfect body! I’m quite jealous! That lipstick color looks amazing, what lipstick is that?
You should leave us a video of you dancing! 🙂
Wicked pics! And your costumes sound fab! 😉
you look so good! i love that black dress on you and the ballerina costume is a great idea! 🙂
wow we’re so lucky to see some of your photos. you look amazing. ever since I saw the idea about zombie/dead ballerina i was intrigued by it. i’m happy to see it “come to life” so to speak on Hallow’s eve.
U look soooo pretty, darling La C!
Fun pictures, I hope you have enjoyed yourself.
Come and check it out some rings I have posted, tell what do you think of them.
See you soon.
Thanks for the status update, your posts are so missed!
You go ALL out for Halloween, four costumes?? I could barely decide on one haha.
I went as Kim Kardashian, I got a giant poster of Kim, stuck it on cardboard & cut the face out. I got some good reactions haha.
I’m understanding of the random posts, it’s crunch time at school, Take care <3
Great to see a new post from you. Love the photos. It sounds like you had quite a Halloween. That’s awesome. Cheers!
Fun photos and costumes! I like the 7 deadly sins idea!
fantastic pictures darling
love the photos 🙂
Great costumes! and the dress is gorg!
I absolutely love your personal pictures, I would love it when you’ll post them more often :)!
I have missed your constant blogging, and I’m very happy that you’re back! 🙂 I love all of your costumes, you had so many! I adored seeing your personal Halloween pictures. You rocked that AA dress! By the way, I like everyone else am very understanding of your random posting. I know what it’s like to be in high-school, and try to keep blogging constantly (:
– laur @ neonmango
Not boring, so pretty! The AA dress is stunning!
You truly have a lovely sense of style, and can’t wait to see more!
Great costume!! I love the AA dress on you! It does run SOOO small too! I got mine in a medium!
Bore us! I loved that you showed some personal photos!
You look super gorgeous ! And I agree with Johanna, bore us more often !
Anyway “Dark-ballerina-gone-zombified, for my school’s Haunted House.” is the best idea ever !
You had sooooo many costumes to wear! And the dress looks amazing!!
Sounds like you had a super crazy cool Halloween!!! Yayers~
E> An
How many Halloween parties have you been to these days?! Cool 😉
grrrl your body is sick ! i love that dress on you xo
You look gorgeous in all of your Halloween costumes!! Fantastic!! xxoxoxoxo
haha fantasic post.. and more glimpses of gorgeous you!
Your personal snaps ARE NOT boring, dear.
Bravo !
C’est extra de te voir, merci pour le cadeau : et la robe te va à ravir.
Great suggestions dear!!! I was Cleopatra? What about you??
I love a girl who embraces Halloween! It sounds like you looked GREAT and had a blast!
Hey La C. Those are some great photos. I really like them all. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. Enjoy your Friday and weekend. Cheers!
Yay 3 outfit photos. 🙂 You look like a dancer. A great one, too.
You looked beautiful as always dear! The simple LBD looks perfect on you, well done! & so glad you’re back too 🙂
Just, what does non-pareils actually mean?? You certainly cannot use it to describe someone I believe.. sorry :/
Alizé xx
Alize Morand: Thank you!
My French teacher used it the other day in reference to us [her students] and I asked the same thing – she answered saying that it was just something she thought that was cute. Since “non pareil” means “a person or thing having no equal”/ “a small bit of colored sugar for decorating candy, cake, & cookies”, her reasoning was that sprinkles make everything much happier – as do we [her students]!
So I’ve decided to adopt that phrase (:
love these outfits !!!
Fun photos. Unfortunately, I didn’t dress up for Halloween this year 🙁
you look HOT! love that aa dress on you. the blade runneresque eye makeup is awesome. wish we could all get away with that in real life.
@Ash Fox: Thanks darling (:
I like your blog x