Let’s take a trip down good ol’ Memory Lane, shall we? It’d be rather rude to decline my invitation; my hand out is awaiting for you to grab it! But today’s little journey will differ a bit from the previous walks, mes non-pareils. I’m only going back to the best memories, moments, & whatever thing of 2009.
♥ Girl’s week out in Wildwood, NJ this summer. A far superior alternative to your weekly GNO; a week spent at the beach house of a girlfriend’s with four other best friends? Boy hunting whilst tanning on the beaches, gorging ourselves with fried oreos, and nightly visits on piers galavanting the scariest of rides and making eyes at boys who can’t stop looking our way? Nothing can beat that.
♥ New York City. Self-explanatory; it’s one of my favorite places.
♥ Interning at my county courthouse. Definitely one of the most beneficial and inspirational month in my high school career working under the Human Resources Division. I truly am grateful to the department’s employees, supervisor, and manager for giving me such a wonderful experience there.
♥ Becoming a partner & blogger for POP Magazine. I think my heart stopped when I saw unread email in my inbox. Surreal? Unreal? Or for me, at least; I still cannot fathom that I was one in twenty or so bloggers chosen to partner with this cult-favorite (I need a subscription!) – one in twenty out of the give-or-take, thousands, of other bloggers out in this lovely online word. But before you try to interrupt my ramblings in saying that I’ve only written three posts on that blog, I am well aware of how neglectful I’ve been. I’m getting back into the whole blogging extravaganza, you see, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to get back into the swing of things, and post both here and there regularly. Follow with bloglovin’!
♥ Being published & guest blogging. I had pitched this idea to the editor-in-chief of the now folded Dujour magazine that was made the cover story of the winter issue. “The {Faux} New Yorker” was a guest post written for another blog; I’m quite proud of this piece, too.
♥ Tumblr. One of my latest obsessions
♥ Senior year. They always say your last year of high school is the best. And they were indeed right: I love my classes, became closer with friends, made new friends, and met knew people. At this point I suppose I should get blurry-eyed, teary, and overcome with sentimentality, but not yet. It’s not the end, people. It’s simply a beginning.
♥ Meeting new people, & making new friends. It is, once again, one of those things that are self-explanatory.
What were your favorite 2009 moments?
Wishing you the best of 2010,
La C.
P.S. I officially loathe my incompetent, cruddy camera. (Or perhaps it’s my inability to use a camera skillfully?) Regardless, here are snapshots of my nails, in celebration of the upcoming New Year. The intensity of the silver glitters weren’t captured at all, sadly, and it looks so sheer. So I suppose you would have to just trust me when I say that my nails look as if they were dipped in diamond dust – and they look even better in the dark.
I finally decided to write a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.
i have the same polish but, think sally hansen hard as nails glitter polishes last longer and are a lot more glittery. Coming from a girl who only wears french pink or glitter polish all the time…don’t really like color.
what an amazing list! good year 🙂 have an even better one next! 🙂
Love your nails here! 🙂
I had so many… but also so many more ugly moments… therefore I’m so happy to finally be in 2010…. bye bye fucking 2009 !!