The super sweet Ramona of Hot Couture passed the “Glamorous Blog Award” to me (thank you!); but as with all things, there is a fine line. Twelve likes, one love, and eight hates. Comin’ right up, with a side of Nutella spread, s’il vous plaît.
And yes, I really did think of Facebook as soon as I saw this.
{ze LIKES.}
Let me preface this by saying that I use like/love interchangeably – if I “like” something, I “like” it wholeheartedly. So I suppose this would end up being a list of thirteen “loves”, not twelve “likes” plus one “love”. It’s so not cheating – I love a lot of things.
♥ Cleaning, re-organizing, re-decorating every season or so. Either I’m restless, or have a lot of time (read: I do the three during my insomniatic bouts that occur every so often. And insomniatic needs to be a real word.)
♥ Blogs and blogging. Especially blogs of substantial text, fashion-related or not. The imagery is just a plus. I do “like” those ubiquitous blogs that are all pictures from thefashionspot, but I could find all those photos too. If I felt like scouring the thousands of forums and pages of threads.
♥ Dancing. A passion, hobby, and outlet for self-expression. It’s liberating.
♥ Magazines. I realized only the other day, whilst cleaning/re-organizing/re-decorating my room (see bullet- heart-point no. 1), that magazine subscriptions are rather expensive indulgences.
♥ Reading. I’m a self-professed nerd. And I’m one-hundred percent fine with that.
♥ Philosophical musings and cultural history/anthropology. Ditto.
♥ Coffeeshops and cafés. I like things on a smaller scale; like cupcakes! Petite is always cuter and quainter. I love the relaxing environment, and the fact that they have coffee.
♥ My beloved electronic devices. The mobile, the laptop (especially!), and the iPod are my babies. And no, they don’t have names.
♥ Candles. My disclaimer: I am no pyro. But fire is undeniable, beautiful, and magical. I love the shadows and flickering of light that play on my walls. Mm. Vanilla bourbon scented candles are delicious.
♥ Window-shopping. It’s fun depending on my mood patience that day.
♥ Notebooks & Post-It Notes. I always have both with me in my bag and go through them rather quickly; I write everything and anything down.
♥ Writing. Obviously.
{ze LOVE.}
♥ Independence. I value my individuality & freedom most. Which is, perhaps, why I cannot wait to grow up.
{ze HATES.}
♥ Narrow-minded people.
♥ Racism. Discrimination. L-o-a-t-h-e it. It’s despicable.
♥ My ability to procrastinate exceedingly well. It annoys me at times.
♥ Over-zealous religious people who believe they are the only ones who are right and want to convert the entire world. A.k.a. the Christian Crusaders of the 21st century. I’m a Christian. I am. But religion, to me, is a faith, a beacon of hope. I won’t delve into my beliefs to spare you of a headache in reading my rambles, but these people need to recognize that they are narrow-minded. I applaud you in your passion and dedication, I do. But no one gave you the right to tell others what they believe is wrong.
♥ Disorganization and clutter. I cannot stand my workspace or bedroom in anything nearing a messy state, and I especially cannot stand shopping in a cluttered store (I often lose interest and patience at Forever21 because of this).
♥ Bent pages and spines of books. Books in my personal collection are in pristine condition, I’m proud to announce. It breaks my heart to see a dog-eared page or a book that’s been vandalized with scribbles/highlighting.
♥ My caffeine addiction. I know it’s unhealthy. But I love my coffee and green tea too much to let it go!
♥ The whole abortion controversy. I’m pro-choice. Not because I’ve been labeled a Democrat, or a liberal. But because I’m exactly how that read: for the individual’s ability to make a decision. No one has a right to tell a person what to do, especially if they don’t know the circumstances of that situation. I loathe it when conservatives (for example, a pastor of mine who thought I was blasphemous) say to allow for abortion is to murder. NO. I don’t see a single person parading about with signs saying “WE LOVE ABORTION!” No one is for the act of abortion in large quantities. But it’s a choice out there for women to turn to when necessary.
{ images’ source: rosa-fiona bettina, one of my new favorite blogs! }
La C.
Hello dear C!! Don’t worry, green tea is actually good for your health
We have lots of things in common 🙂
Hahaha me & you have the same likes & dislikes!
love the list, la c! very much agree with everything up there.
and dont worry – independence will come soon enough! you seem quite grown up for your age anyway 🙂
Great list, is that your room? You’re so neat!! haha I’m only neat b/c I don’t touch anything or move it from its designated spot, so I don’t think that’s the same thing as being.. organized or clean? I agree with your list of hates, particularly the one about being self-righteous and forcing your beliefs on others. Everyone should have the right to live their life with dignity, and by their own choices so long as they aren’t hurting themselves or our planet.
Oh this is a nice idea, I notice a lot of similarities with you!
I really like the fact that you’ve listed important issues in between your likes/loves/hates, it makes your list quite the interesting read!
i love dancing too. i go to the gym to dance-work-out and it is such a blast. but i havent been able to do it before actually next week since autumn.. my coordination is not that good but im so liberated and i have fun just letting go. only trouble is the mirrora..haha-where i see how i move.. so i usually look at the good ones instead.
have a good day take care xx ediot
I couldn’t agree more on nearly everything !
Your decoration is so so beautiful, chapeau my dear ! Very well done 😉 (this time ahah… see the next one on next insomnia I suppose?^^)
And caffeine… I can’t live without coffee anymore, otherwise I’m like a zombie xD
Nice order!
Fantastic post,
its great to learn more about you
oh gosh, my hate-list would look just like that! I couldn’t agree more. I am glad we share lots of thoughts.
have a sweet day, xoxo
Now I know we have a lot in common 🙂
Have a nice week!
You can buy it on urban Outfitters.
Like your shelf containing mags and shoes!
oh i love candles. and yes, i feel magazines are an indulgence now. something i only buy when i go on holidays. otherwise i just read blogs (like yours) =D
I love this post! and I agree on so many things! the pro-choice, caffeine addictions and my own love for being a book nerd as well!
Well, cherie thank you a lot for making list and I’m glad I got to know you better and appreciate you even more!Well luckily I’m not such a fan of coffee, but tea it’s really my “healthy addiction” as I like to call it.i can’t imagien my life without my cup of tea every morning and sometimes even before going to bed.Love the post you couldn’t have done it better and you remain my favorite bloguette!
is that your room? its so cute! and of course i enjoy reading your posts to no end 🙂
perfect! lovely post. ilove books.
love the books of stieg larssen
great taste
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. And I, too, am a complete history/book nerd. Is there anything better than a nice afternoon curled up with a book and a steaming cup of coffee? I think not.
Also–do you have any reorganization tips for a self-professed pack rat like me?
(I like shiny things and pretty papers; I will admit to having a large stash of STUFF)
I am obsessed with books and post it motes as well…
Is that your bedroom? It’s gorgeous…
Would you be able to post more pics of your bedroom/study area pretty please?
I nodded my head in undeniable agreement to your LAST 3 bullets…
wanna organize my closet?
Post-its are my life, such a bad memory!! Your room’s really cool,btw 🙂
what a great list, this i “love”!
Never be in a hurry to run through life (“I cannot wait to grow up”).
I am closer to the end of mine than to the beginning, so I can tell you, each chapter is great.
UGH christian crusaders drive me crazy. i am agnostic and i always have to hear my family members yelling in my ear.
Love your blog!!! 🙂
I do the same thing, with reorganizing and cleaning. I’m in the midst of a big overhaul. It’s long, grueling but I really hope the end result is worth it. Fact of the matter is that I possess too many things. Anyways, I’m chronicling it on my blog if you feel like tracking (and maybe giggling) at my progress! Hope all is well. xoxo
We have an awful lot in common. Coffee. independence and Christianity… a few of my favorite things 😉
xoxo Mo
If you run out of things to organize at home, come over to my place!
I definitely don’t agree with alot of your “hates” but I do agree with some of your likes! I loveee organizing, too(: It makes me feel so calm and relaxed!
self professed book ners unite! lol…I love reading, too. Would definitely love to swap book recommendations with you 🙂
Et la musique! I’ve just featured a beautiful, amazingly talented artist named Oren Lavie on my blog. I think you would just adore him 🙂
Take care!
Wow, I LOOOOVE this post. And I couldn’t agree more with your loves & hates. I also LOOOve the fact that you speak your mind about more touchy topics. Very refreshing. Of course, my European/ French bias can only support it. 🙂
Great pics too, it’s good to see I’m not the only one to display piles of magazines + shoes in these IKEA bookshelves!
Happy 2010 Gorgeous! May this new year bring you a lot of HAPPINESS.
Alizé xx
I couldn’t agree more about being pro-choice. Every situation is different, no one has the right to force decisions on anybody else. I’m not religious and it hurts my feelings when people harass me about my beliefs. You’re SO right!
Love this post! You have a great blog and I’ll be following from now on. Thanks for your lovely comment on mine.
Lucy Laucht: Daily style & inspiration