“Wisdom begins in wonder.”
Wisdom in every aspect, knowledge inclusive, indeed begins in wonder. It is wonder that makes us homo sapien sapiens (to be technical), and not another type of species. Because without a sense of wonder, of curiosity, and of imagination, we would not be where we are. We are creatures of inquiry. We look, touch, see, smell, listen, and then t h i n k about all those things.
And after we think and question, we f e e l . Even the most practical-minded cannot deny that he or she is guided by emotions. It is yet another characteristic that sets us apart from others; humans think with their heart, not with their mind. A downfall, perhaps, to be swayed by how we feel. But nonetheless, human nature. ‘Tis a beautiful thing, feeling.
I have been asked why and how I love philosophy and the likes. Why I immerse myself in it, I cannot put a finger on it. But I am rather interested in how different groups of people think and attempt to gather at why they do think a certain way. In learning how and why they think so, it allows for an open mind to develop.
And just how did I stumble upon this wide world of philosophy? I do believe that it began with the aftermath of September 11th; somehow reading an op ed on the injustices of racial profiling made something within me tick. I was then absorbed in various books about about politics, about the other side of America that is tended to be ignored. I guess it was then when browsing for books in that section of the library, I came across Civil Disobedience. Which, consequently led me to Walden, and a series of similar books – Plato, the Native American philosophies (simply beautiful and so, well, simple), etc. It is amazing how a difference in geography can cause such split in beliefs and culture to develop. Absolutely amazing.
Simply look into the night sky; stare at the endless blackness, the sparkles of little diamonds we call stares. And allow your mind to wander. I find myself doing that often; I cannot deny it. I’m a d r e a m e r .
La C.
Couldn’t agree more my dear… Philosophy is amazing. Between science, human science, and art, which is completely crazy…
It’s also helpful for every carreer… I’d love to study that.
Btw what do you intend to study, you dreamer ? 😀
Looking at the sky makes me realize how little we are but at the same time the potential.
lets get together and talk about it one day, please.
perhaps in a nice little cafe tucked away in greenwich village, and then under the stars somewhere.
Philosophy is a fantastic foundation for any career – helps you to understand the world. Having time to let your mind wander is so essential, too, otherwise you never have time for any creating/intellectual ideas.
When you’re through with your current stack of books, I’d suggest Debord (Situationist) and Baudrillard. Oh and de Beauvoir and Sartre too. French philosophers rock.
p.s. I don’t think studying art is crazy. It’s a tough job but somebody has to do it. 😀 We are studying a lot of philosophy as part of it, too.
I’m quite the dreamer, myself. Beautiful pictures, my dear. I linked to you on Twitter! =) http://twitter.com/decadentluxe
thanks for the heads up!
lovely post – it’s so great that you picked up your interest on your own. sometimes i forget the beauty of it all, cramming to synthesize all the information for an exam.
^ so true roxanne. i get like that too. good luck with exams!
Lovely insightful post, thanks La C! I’m a dreamer too, sometimes a little too much so 😉
“You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one” (John Lennon, Imagine)
Very insightful. I find that when philosophy is pushed upon us, we turn away from it; when we discover it on our own, we embrace it. Many philosophy classes I loathed; the subject, however, captured my interest after reading “Sophie’s World.”
A lovely post, and so true. Very inspirational.
I, as well, am a dreamer 🙂
– laur @ neonmango
thank you, thank you, THANK YOU
for being more than an inspiration fashion blog (however wonderful your style is)
we need more substance in this life.
Kara: Aw, thank you!! You’re soooo sweet <3 To hear (read, rather) that really acts as an affirmation that what I am trying to accomplish, through La Couturier, is being done ;]. I only hope that I can inspire someone, somewhere out there =]
La C.
You touched lightly on politics by referencing Civil Disobedience, and it’s tempting to offer other great books, but I think you are already on the right track there. So for your dreamer side I will say that I love The Prophet and Johnathan Livingston Seagull. xo
dreaming is the most important thing!
xo mary jo
this is exactly what differentiates you from every other fashion blogger.
you’ve got the brains =] which is why your blog is so perfect in every aspect! there’s actual meaning & inspiration & thought!
ridiculously insightful!! i agree with kristine. every other blog ive read is like…shallow? lol not every tho. but most.
this is why im still here readin ur blog
you write so beautifully! as a maths student (note, don’t know too much about science/biology etc.), I believe everything that happened (life, humans etc.) has a random element, with a probability of happening, so say if all this were to happen again, we might end up looking like three legged deers, who knows? lol!
Interesting thoughts Luphia! This reminds me that I need to get some library books to devour, any recommendations of the philosophical kind?
i love dreaming, and i love those photos too! xxx
what a lovely post:)
I consider myself a dreamer as well!
i think walden is a must read for everyone
xo k