Morning babes!
Currently reporting live from Pearl, Mississippi. So far the Deep South has been everything people have made it out to be: hot, humid, and hospitable beyond belief. (I can’t even be mad at the cab driver who was half an hour late to pick me up for a work meeting…even after I confirmed three times he’d arrive by 8:15 a.m. the absolute latest. I can’t even be annoyed at the fact that water everywhere is $3.59 a bottle when the clerk is apologizing to me for such steep prices.)
Anyway—this trip has been a success so far! For a girl who traveled only in groups (or with a sig. other) and has minimal directional sense (I’ve always surrounded myself with people who are the opposite), things have gone swimmingly. There’s still two more flight before I can check this off as a true success, but positive affirmations only. Wish me luck!
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WEARING: Zara floral dress + patent nude d’orsay pumps + custom silver rings
Having been coerced to temporarily return to Texas last month, I consoled myself with a bevy of southern comfort foods I’d desperately missed, particularly Texas smoked brisket and queso. I highly recommend you gorge on BBQ while given the opportunity.
Just the way you wrote this made me happy—the eloquence is real. Thank you for the recommendation! xx
Well, you may move me to blushing, thank you. Though queso and Texas smoked brisket do deserve solemn worship. Fashion isn’t my world, but I am sorely tempted to stalk the rest of your blog. I like your voice muchly.