A Year in Review • Soft Sensibilities
2018, as told through the things that made me, changed me, stayed with me. I remember moments best through objects—or emblems, I should say, to give them more credibility than just being things. (Whether that serves as commentary on my hedonistic tendencies or reflects millennial consumerism is a topic for another day). All I do know is that these objets have always punctuated the milestones in my life; illuminated as landmarks that lend both familiarity and tangibility, without which I’d be left sans context or direction. I began 2018 inexplicably drawn to the color pink. If you know me in real life, this would be as out-of-character as suddenly announcing an interest in baseball or, I don’t know, video games. It’s a specific shade, too: not millennial pink, not blush, but a bright, azalea I felt compelled to surround myself with. And what could be more intentional than buying a new bullet journal in that very color? How serendipitous that Leuchtturm’s “New Pink” was physical manifestation of the exact pink I saw in my head? Every day I opened and closed this journal; saw it deskside or within my bag, always—and yet I never grew tired of it. Instead, there was a sense of urgency for more.…