1. I've journaled fairly consistently since childhood, but as of late, this ritual has become more of a cathartic practice rather than a point of pleasure. I'm unsure what to make of this shift just yet, but documenting feels precious. Necessary, even, because it seems to be the only thing that ... Read More
Five Things (12.27.24)
1. I refuse to believe I'm the only one who thinks this year has passed exceptionally, if not peculiarly, quickly. It's par for the course this time of year, and as someone who works in marketing, the holidays are over before they even begin. (Not ideal, but such is the way of the world.) And still, ... Read More
Five Things (10.4.24)
1. At every turn, I'm convinced I must be one of the luckiest people in the world. There's a nagging part that questions why me, but I know exactly why: it's partly circumstantial (the true luck of the draw), and the rest can only be attributed to the sacrifices my parents made—and continue to ... Read More