1. Write everything down. There's something about committing thoughts to paper that solidifies things. Writing makes whatever it is we're feeling or experiencing real—and once things are tangible, they become less inapproachable, and more human. It is the unknown that we deny and fear. Face it, and ... Read More
How I Survived the Frankenstorm + Cabin Fever (Part II)
This, ladies and gents, is when things get real. Perhaps in another life I'd be wielding a pair of Fiorentini + Baker pirate boots or shearling Burberry booties against Lady Sandy, but we're practical girls here at ABC. Bare-faced and bare feet. I've even resorted to wearing leggings, a fashion faux ... Read More
25 Things to Do When You’re Stuck Indoors
Hurricane Sandy The Frankenstorm has been up and a-brewing the past few hours, and while New Jersey hasn't yet been feeling the worst of it, we've been put on travel restrictions (!) for this statewide emergency. Funnily enough it isn't the emergency thing that has me sitting anxiously on my ... Read More