I talk about sexy a lot. I overuse it. Sexy this, sexy that. Truth is, I like sexy, and I'm never ashamed (or ever embarrassed) to express it through dress (though I err on the conservative side). But what is sexy? Sexy could be a plunging neckline, a body-conscious LBD, a glossy lip paired with ... Read More
Things I Love
Because in this life of instant gratification, 140-character Tweets, and an infinite list of materialistic and other physical desires, we often lose sight of the little, seemingly insignificant things which make us smile and light our hearts up. A bit of gratitude and reflection is always, always ... Read More
How to Be (A Bit) Coquettish
What's a coquette, anyhow? Say it too fast and people hear coke-head. I assure you, the only drug I put into my system is caffeine and birth control. co · quette [koh-ket]. Noun. “A woman who flirts lightheartedly with men to win their admiration and affection. Flirt. Tease.” Indigenous to ... Read More