Gifts to give someone you love—including yourself—this Valentine's Day. First Editions of Their Favorite Books Or, surprise them with a special binding of a book they don't own yet, from an author they cherish. An old boyfriend had gifted me a beautiful copy of letters from a man to ... Read More
Savoring Summer
A list of things—some sweet, others sweaty, but nothing sour. How is it August already? There's a part of me that's grateful for the start of fall because it relieves some of the pressure of Doing Fun Things™ in summertime, but another that can't help but mourn its nearing end. I'm ... Read More
Scentiments (12.27.23)
Or, perhaps more aptly titled: What I Smell Like Lately. This first installment of Scentiments is coming to you from my childhood kitchen—context that doesn't color the sentiments below, but does explain why I'm toting around tiny vials of perfume. (The Parfums de Marly mini was part of a ... Read More